
James hand-crafts custom furniture pieces for himself and for his friends and family from a ground-floor bedroom shop in lower Fairfield County, Connecticut.  James employs a hand-tool-focused style of woodworking that emphasizes traditional joinery and careful wood selection.  Since he first began http://www.theapartmentwoodworker.com, he has gotten past his aversion to metal fasteners, but James still genuinely believes that he has all of his fingers solely because he has never even used a table saw.  James has even gotten past his distaste for slot-head screws.

For a long time, his workshop was the dining room nook of his fourth floor apartment, and his entire woodworking life fit roughly into a Craftsman 26″ 6-drawer heavy-duty ball bearing top chest and matching intermediate chest, with some additional storage under his worktable.  James now has a proper workbench and a larger tool chest (but somehow fewer tools).  James hopes The Apartment Woodworker can be a resource for woodworkers of all skill levels who may not have the square-footage or desire required for a conventional woodworking shop.

When not practicing law or working wood wherever his tools happen to be, James is an avid computer- and console-gamer and baseball fan (specifically, the New York National League club).  #LGM

James has a centrist bent in his political views (the term “Country Club Conservative” would be appropriate), with a special emphasis on basic human dignity and open markets.  James does not tolerate bigotry or elitism (in the woodworking world or otherwise) and thinks that everyone deserves to live their lives however they want as long as they aren’t hurting anyone.  If you don’t agree, kindly take your clicks elsewhere.


  1. Hello there, I would like to start woodworking in my apartment, but the problem is the issue of sawdust and wood chips. How do you control these?



    1. Kyle,

      Working with only hand tools goes a long way. There will still be dust and shavings and wood chips, but they won’t be as airborne as they would with power tools. A good shop vac, plus a broom and dust pan, is about as good as you can do.

      That said, what always helps the most is incremental cleaning. Never let the piles get too big before tidying up, and it’s less likely you’ll track things around the apartment.

      Sorry for the delay.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I just discovered this site and it’s so cool to see the projects you make in your apartment. My apartment is smaller, but nonetheless, seeing your site motivates me to do more.

    Liked by 1 person

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